M&T Bank Phone Number

Calling M&T Bank Phone number is best option to get your problem solved. M&T Bank call center that you call into has employees from USA and is open 24/7.

M&T Bank Contact Number

1 (800) 724-2440Customer Service

You can speak with M&T Bank customer support by calling 1 (800) 724-2440 number directly.

Speak with a real customer service executive and find fair solution to your problem that is easy & fast. M&T Bank customer support is 24/7.

Other Phone Numbers of M&T Bank

Customer service1 (800) 724-2440
Credit Card Inquiries1-866-279-0888
Online & Mobile Banking1-800-790-9130
Business Inquiries1-800-724-6070
Commercial Service Team1-800-724-2240

M&T Bank’s Best Toll-Free/800 Phone Number

Call 1 (800) 724-2440

This is the best customer service phone number that you can use. Using this toll free 800 number, you can directly contact the M&T Bank customer agent. You can use this number for various tasks such as

  • Monitor Your Transactions
  • Track Your Balance
  • Lock or Report a Stolen Card
  • Checking
  • Mortgages & Loans
  • Credit Cards
  • Savings
  • Investments
  • Insurance
  • Setup an account
  • Question
  • Complaint
  • A different issue

M&T Bank Head Office Contact Number

Corporate Head office address of M&T Bank:

One M&T Plaza, Buffalo, New York 14203, United States

For any general inquiries, please contact M&T Bank head office number: (716) 635-4000

General Problems or Reasons that M&T Bank Customers Calling

How Do I Order New Checks from M&T Bank?
How Do You Make Bank to Bank Transfers with M&T Bank?
I’m trying to get in contact with customer service to unlock my spending limit on my savings
Discuss swithing accounts to get more interest on our deposits.
I Forgot the account number
I received a check and I want to know if it is real or fake
Inactive Account notice
Unlock account
I want to notify m and t about a purchase with MONAT, so the purchase does not get declined.

Common Problem Categories

  • Track Your Balance
  • Lock or Report a Stolen Card
  • Checking
  • Mortgages & Loans
  • Credit Cards
  • Savings
  • Investments
  • Insurance
  • Complaints
  • Account Access
  • A Different issues

M&T Bank Mortgages & Loans Support

M&T Bank customer support number 1 (800) 724-2440. Dial this number, if you have a problem regarding Mortgages & Loans department or visit this webpage.

Contact for Insurance support

If you have any Insurance support related issue, you can contact via webpage or calling their main customer service number at 1 (800) 724-2440.

M&T Bank credit card Support

M&T Bank customer support number 1-866-279-0888. Dial this number, if you have a problem regarding credit card department or visit this webpage.


Which bank is M&T in USA?
M&T Bank traces its origins to the founding of Manufacturers and Traders Bank in Buffalo, New York. As a result of mergers, acquisitions and name changes, M&T Bank Corporation’s principal bank is now known as Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company, or M&T Bank.

Is M&T bank American owned?
M&T Bank Corporation (Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company) is an American bank holding company headquartered in Buffalo, New York. It operates 1,000+ branches in 12 states across the Eastern United States, from Maine to Northern Virginia.

Is M&T a strong bank?
Yes, M&T is a well-established bank, founded in 1856, and has grown its footprint both at home in New York and in surrounding states. It currently operates more than 1,000 branches and 2,200 ATMs in 12 states and Washington, D.C.

Why is it called M&T bank?
M&T Bank traces its origins to the founding of Manufacturers and Traders Bank in Buffalo, New York. As a result of mergers, acquisitions and name changes, M&T Bank Corporation’s principal bank is now known as Manufacturers and Traders Trust Company, or M&T Bank.

More Ways to Contact M&T Bank

All Contacts of M&T Bank
M&T Bank Customer Service
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M&T Bank Login

M&T Bank Customer Reviews

Average rating:  
 1 reviews
 by nike on M&T Bank

I have been with M&T Bank for almost 6 years. I have found every single person I have worked with professional and helpful.

I have M&T loans, checking, savings and credit cards. Never an issue. I also personally know of many others who also use M&T and have never had an issue. I was shocked when I saw the negative reviews!