QVC Help Page

QVC Help Pages is the best option when trying to contact QVC customer service. You can contact via QVC Customer FAQ, Forum, and Online Help.

Contact QVC Help @

Navigate to If you have a problem with QVC services, click on this link or paste it into the search bar of your browser and hit enter to go to the page.

General Problems that QVC Customers searching for

  • Account Access
  • Cancel Order
  • Change Order
  • Payment
  • Complaints
  • Order Status
  • Make a Return
  • Place Order
  • Schedule a Return Pickup
  • A different issue

Contacting QVC Help Pages

This is the official customer support page of QVC, which contains different options for contacting them about a variety of issues.

If you are looking for QVC’s best customer help page or FAQ or forum, this is the best entry point.

If that doesn’t work, contact QVC directly by calling their customer service number at 1 (800) 367-9444.

QVC Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Advanced Order?
QVC may offer a product that’s not yet ready to ship as an Advanced Order, making it available to be ordered now and then delivered at a future date.
The Available to Ship date (or week) is located in the item’s description on Your Order Confirmation email will include the estimated delivery date for your Advanced order. The estimated delivery date provided is when your order is anticipated to arrive to you. When you order an Advanced Sale item, a request for a minimal authorization amount ($0.00 – $1.00) will be reserved by the financial institution that issued your credit card at the time your order is placed. The full amount will not be charged until the time of shipment.
To view your estimated delivery date and access your Advanced orders online, log in on and select the Advanced & Waitlist filter when viewing your Order Status.

Can I ship my order internationally?
At this time, QVC does not offer international shipments. We’re always considering and evaluating our options to ensure the best possible shopping experience.

What are QVC Delivery Services?
QVC Delivery Services include orders that ship & arrive to you with either in-home or doorway delivery. These purchases are usually too large or fragile to deliver using Standard Delivery, and may include mattresses, furniture, and fitness equipment.

How can I check on the status of my return?
There are three ways you can access information about your return:
Check your Order Status online.
Call our Automated Customer Service line at 800-367-9444.
Speak to a Customer Representative at 888-345-5788.

Other Ways to Contact QVC

All Contacts of QVC
QVC Customer Service
QVC Phone Number
Contact QVC Through social media
QVC Corporate Office
QVC Hours
Make Complaint to QVC
QVC Login

QVC Customer Reviews

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Average rating:  
 1 reviews
 by john on QVC

We’ve been ordering Rastelli’s pork ribeyes for a year or so and have been very impressed. Made my chicken Parmesan recipe tonight, substituting pork ribeyes for chicken breasts. Amazing result and a great option for anyone interested in exploring alternatives.